Sunday, 4 October 2009

Raising Money

Dear friends,

Whilst I’m busy writing a piece on the 60th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China I thought I might alert your attention to my ‘Everyclick’ widget in the right hand column.

It’s a neat little fund raising gadget I discovered just the other day. Now, if you haven’t already visited Gobi Desserts Justgiving pages ( or then head over there now (if you didn’t already know, Gobi Desserts is my very own league of adventurers with philanthropistic intention), otherwise read on.

This is a great little search engine (Everyclick) that actually raises funds for charities.

The clever thing is, every time you search through this search engine 1p is donated to one of the charities I’ve been raising for recently (in this case Mercy Corps).

I’ve set my homepage as and I beg you to do the same. Not permanently, just a few weeks, just to eek out a few more pennies. Whilst you’re there, add it to your searchbar too, for quick searches.

I should say it isn’t as efficient as Google or Yahoo. I wouldn’t want you to use it a few times and then abandon it because it simply isn’t as good. Instead think of it like this. Instead of typing the URL of familiar pages, type ‘Hotmail’, ‘Twitter’, ‘BBC News’, ‘Facebook’, or whatever into it. A slight ‘adjustment’ to the way you use the internet currently to raise money for doing nothing in particular! Brilliant!

For detailed searches I suggest typing ‘Google’ or ‘Yahoo’ (or any other popular search engine) and going from there.

If you’ve got your own cause, then why not use it yourself?

Register, it takes a few seconds, choose your charity and start searching. Brill.


UPDATE: 20 December 2009

The widget is now unavailable. All other links in my post are still active.

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